2023 Brecon Fringe
Thursday 10th August
Ragsy at The Clarence
The Marcellas at The Foundry
Bus Pass at The Clarence
Jamming Evening at The Foundry
Friday 11th August
Bob Evans at The Foundry
Bryony Seir at The Meadowstage
Dirty Alex at The Muse
Dragons Breath at The Meadowstage
ENW at The Foundry
John Eyre at The Foundry and Found Gallery
Martha Skilton Quartet at The Foundry
Mick Luck Saxophonist at The Bulwark Stage
Minnie at The Bulwark Stage
Neath College Big Band at The Bulwark Stage
New Orleans Jazz at St Marys Church
Northern Ruins at The Foundry
Race the Rain at The Meadowstage
Railroas Gandy at The Meadowstage
Superhands at The Markets Tavern
Tony Martin and Friends at The Ardent Gallery
Universal Translators at The Rugby Club
Vulcan Straight at The Clarence
Saturday 12th August
Adrian Clarke at The Market Hall
Amy Rose at The Meadowstage
Becky the Bullet at The Muse
Bella Collins at The Hours Barn
Billy Pezzack at The Foundry
Bob Gallie at The Ardent Gallery and The Muse
!!!!! at The Foundry
Calling Card at The Workmens Club
David Cooper Orton at The market Hall
Eleri at The Foundry
Fiddlebop at St Marys Church
Fil Ziebicki at The Market Hall
Frazz Parade through Town
Gemma Krysler at The Markets Tavern
Gerard Cousins at St Marys Church
Hue Tames at The Foundry
James Oliver Band at The Markets Tavern
Jane Braithwaite at The Market Hall
Jo Kelly & the Royal Pharmacy at The Bulwark Stage
Kate Miriam at The Found Gallery
Lar Hughes at The Brecon Tap
Les Coveney at The Ardent Gallery
Maditronique at The Ardent Gallery
Martha Powell at The Found Gallery
Michael Parker at The Found Gallery
Parcel of Rogues at The Workmens Club
Running on Empty at The Clarence
Secret Postal Society at The Foundry
Semantics at The Workmens Club
Sicknote Steve at The Clarence
Tarion at The Muse
Tom Crow and the Ghostriders at The Foundry
Too Toned at The Foundry
Sunday 13th August
Beresford and Hammond at The Ardent Gallery
Drew Flanagan at The Foundry
ELEVEN29 at The Ardent Gallery
ENW at The Bulwark Stage
James Oliver Band at The Hop In Stage
Jane Williams Jazz Quartet at The Bulwark Stage
P'Tcheaow! at The Markets Tavern
Sicknote Steve at The Workmens Club
Tara Lowe and James Chadwick duo at St Marys Church
The New Deadly at The Foundry
Two Odd Wolves at The Foundry
Weird Gear at The Foundry